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Capture customers' attention by immersing them in 360-degree videos.


Settle for nothing less than 360-degree videos that put viewers in the scene.


Grow market share using 360-degree videos that engulf, enthrall viewers.

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Saturday, April 30th, 2016

Get Results with 360-Degree Video in Content Marketing

A new approach called 360-degree video, 360 video or spherical video, is gaining attention from content marketers. This content marketing medium permits storytelling through a 360-degree view of what the marketer seeks to promote, whether a product demo, trade show, virtual home tour, or other presentation. Read on for insights on gaining customer attention with 360-degree videos.

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Now that Facebook and YouTube are posting 360-degree videos, there are plenty of chances for customers to see your video online. They can tilt and pan the view on their computers, giving them control over what they see. This boosts your customers' engagement and retention levels. The following are some of the many benefits this new technology will bring to your marketing.

We focus on 360-degree videos, panning across the reasons for using them and the best practices that can improve viewing experiences.


The magic of 360-degree video is made possible through sophisticated cameras with multiple lenses that take in all angles. The result is a truly immersive experience for viewers. Another crucial part of 360-degree video technology is software necessary to edit the overlaps between one camera's coverage and another's for a seamless "in the round" experience. How revolutionary is this technology? Consider that on most video shoots, equipment and other elements are hidden outside the camera range. That's not possible in 360-degree video because the camera literally captures everything surrounding it.

Read on for additional thoughts about the many advantages 360-degree video can bring to your marketing content campaigns.

  • One reason to use 360-degree videos is that they are the one kind of video that provides experiences better on mobile than on TVs or desktops. Mobile video use is skyrocketing; why not leverage a format tailor made for it?
  • Another reason to utilize 360-degree videos is a change in headset use. Once, viewers could only watch 360-degree videos wearing special headsets. Although these enhance the viewing experience, they are no longer mandatory, making the format accessible to more people.
  • A third rationale for jumping aboard the 360-degree video bandwagon is that the format takes storytelling into a new dimension. You're not telling a story through text, video, or interactive video, you're putting viewers IN the story.
  • Finally, 360-degree videos are likely to spur more buying, and in turn more customer testimonials. To bring this reasoning 360 degrees full circle, use customer testimonials in 360-degree video!



Discovery Channel, Red Bull, Qantas, Mini, AT&T, Mondelez, Nescafe, Samsung and Walt Disney Parks and Resorts are among big-name brands using 360-degree video as one of their content tools.

Read How to Use 360-degree Video in Your Social Media Marketing by Antonio Calero in the October 28, 2015 Social Media Examiner.

Cutting is a crucial part of editing any video, but cuts in 360-degree videos can seem jarring to viewers. Smooth transitions, such as fades, avoid the problem.

Email or call us at 708-246-4211 to get things rolling toward using 360-degree videos as an element in your content marketing.